What to expect…

Ashtanga is a dynamic form of yoga, great for building strength, flexibility and developing focus.

Expect to sweat, stretch and leave feeling calm and relaxed.

“Expect to Fail— In the Ashtanga Yoga method nothing is meant to be easy on your first try. This is part of the lesson of the practice. Instead of making the practice easy, the method asks you to make your mind strong. If you accept your failure and learn to love yourself anyway, you’re practicing a valuable life skill. You should feel somewhat overwhelmed in the midst of your first Ashtanga Yoga practice. It gets better after many years!” (Description courtesy of Yoga Hana)

Led Primary Series


“Distinct from Mysore, where students move at their own pace & rhythm, in Led Primary classes students take the Ashtanga Primary Series of postures in unison. The teacher holds the count, calling the breath count in a mix of Sanskrit and English. The teacher may adjust the series based on the experience level of the class. This may also include stopping students from taking postures beyond their ability. Students may then sit to watch fellow students complete the series.

These classes maintain respect for each individual's practice, yet provide an opportunity to experience (or at least witness) the full expression of the Primary Series. Led Primary classes are a perfect compliment to Mysore classes, each building upon the other. Students are asked to attend at least a week of Mysore style classes and become familiar with the sequence before attending a Led Primary class.” (Class description courtesy of Yoga Hana)

Guided Primary Series


Similar to a Led Primary, the Guided series is taught with less emphasis on the traditional count and more on the experience of each Asana. Perfect for all levels of students, each class is tailored to the group. Moving through the Primary Series, the teacher will slow down the practice, adding emphasis to various aspects of the asanas or postures, including breath, alignment cues, alternatives to the traditional posture and many more. This can be both a great way to compliment a Mysore or self practice, as well as find a deeper and more fulfilling practice.

This class is perfect for students of all levels and no previous experience is necessary.” (Class description courtesy of Yoga Hana)

Mysore Style


"The format of the practice always remains the same; one always begins practice with Surya Namaskar,

concludes with Padmasana and rest, and the various asanas gradually fill the space between these two poles. Learning yoga in this traditional manner benefits the student on many levels. It is possible for one to gain independence and confidence in their sadhana (spiritual practice), as well, something truly becomes one’s own when they learn it by heart. It is through the daily practice of Ashtanga Yoga that we draw it into ourselves, understand it, and become proficient in its methods, thereby reaping its wide range of benefits. For this to be accomplished, a slow, dedicated and patient approach is best." (Class description courtesy of the KPJAYI)



Vinyasa-Flow based
on the principals of Ashtanga Yoga.



Yoga is more than just a work-out! The physical practice serves one purpose only: recognising your true core. In this process, yoga philosophy will offer you a new perspective on yourself over and over again.

The Ashtanga yoga full PRIMARY series Cheat Sheet is a practical tool to have when learning and memorizing the sequence click here to receive it :